Sunday 23 November 2014

N10-005 Exam Question


A user's laptop is unable to keep a stable network connection. Which of the following measures would MOST likely need to be configured?

A. SSID name
B. WAP encryption strength
C. WAP radio power
D. Channel overlay

Answer: C

Monday 10 November 2014

CompTIA: More than 90 Percent of Businesses Using Cloud

The cloud "has quickly become an essential part of modern IT," says CompTIA Inc.using data from its latest study, "Fifth Annual Trends in Cloud Computing, which reported that more than 90 percent approval in some level of cloud computing.

This result was 2014 survey also found that the transition of applications, infrastructure and other resources in the cloud is not as easy as some vendors claim in the marketing materials in June / July.This may come as a surprise to some companies,as the expectation that the initial migration and integration presented the biggest obstacles to keep operations smooth cloud" Seth Robinson,CompTIA senior director of technology analysis,as was quoted as quoted in a press release.

The most important results in this field has shown that in the early stages of conversion in the cloud,said requires considerable effort by 28 percent this figure rose to 63 percent of those who have completed a cloud transformation.

In fact, since the company is involved in the operations of Moving to the Cloud, the pain gets worse. For companies, the experimental use of the cloud for non-critical applications, it takes 73 percent report low or moderate exertion; go to the next step, an uncritical use to full production decreases the number at 66 percent; and dissemination of the entire production phase "transformed", only 37 percent found it relatively easy.

These growing pains should not scare firms, however; The study reports that the move is in the cloud to reduce costs (although the study was not to quantify these cost savings).

Perhaps not surprisingly, larger companies with larger IT staff and deeper pockets have made the most progress turned it described CompTIA, because the companies that not only systems or applications to move to existing cloud change the way we work to the full benefit.At come to this point, the report says, the cloud is not another priority area, instead of fully integrated into the IT operations and management.

Although larger companies are out in front, small and mid size businesses (SMBs) are also diving in, albeit further behind.Those that have yet to start experimenting with the cloud site the typical factor  security  as the major sticking point.CompTIA, an organization representing IT companies, as well as offering IT certification, surveyed 400 IT and business professionals for its survey.